What Is Blackjack Switch

4/12/2022by admin
What Is Blackjack Switch Average ratng: 6,4/10 3927 reviews

There are some erroneous basic strategies out there for Blackjack Switch. Play it just like you would a regular game- the push-on-22 rule cannot be compensated for by hitting on hands you would normally stand on. If the dealer is going to get a 22 nothing you can draw is going to help you. Blackjack Switch Review. Blackjack Switch is one of the most interesting variants of blackjack that you can play online. But even more than that, it’s also one of the best blackjack games when it comes to return-to-player (RTP) percentage. With a house edge of merely 0.13%, you will hardly find a real-money game online that gives you better odds.

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Gamblers who’ve ever thought it would be nice to swap their cards around from one hand to the next should play “blackjack switch”. In this game, the player is dealt two blackjack hands. After the deal, the gambler is allowed to switch the upcard between these two hands, increasing the strength of one or both hand combinations. This is a tremendous advantage to a blackjack player.

As you might imagine, other rules are stipulated to mitigate that advantage. The house edge on this game can be as low as 0.20% (using the “Russian” rules), so it’s a solid version of twenty-one players should know about. As always when playing 21, know how the various rules affect the house edge or you could end up playing at an inferior table.

Basic Rules

This Stack of Chips Was Won by a Blackjack Switch Player

Unless otherwise noted, all rules of switch are based on the classic blackjack rules. In most casinos, either 6 or 8 decks are used. Switching from six to eight decks increases the house edge by 0.02%. In most land-based gaming venues, the dealer hits on a soft 17, but you will occasionally hear of the dealer standing on a soft 17. Players’ cards are dealt face up, while the dealer peaks for a blackjack if a ten or ace is showing. When the dealer holds a natural blackjack, all player hands lose automatically. If a player has a natural blackjack, then that hand is a push.

The player can double on any two cards. The player also may double after a split. Resplits can be performed up to four hands.

Dealer 22

To offset the advantageous rules of the game, any time a dealer holds a 22, this is a push if the player holds a 21 or less. If the player holds a natural twenty-one, then a dealer twenty-two still loses.

1:1 Payouts on Natural 21

Another rule in the favor of the house is the 1 to 1 payout on a natural twenty-one. In the classic version of the game, this is seen as the worst rule you could play under. In this variant, the rule only offsets advantages, so it’s acceptable. Still, when considering strategy, understand that blackjacks pay much less.

Switching Rules

When the player switches cards to a combined twenty-one, this is considered a “21”, but not a natural. In this scenario, a dealer 21 would beat this hand.

Switch Tip

One other deviation from the classic game rules is that players make two equal wagers in blackjack switch. This brings me to an important suggestion. Players must remember they must bet equally on both hands. If they neglect one hand to make the other unbeatable, they are still only breaking even. When switching cards, the player must try to build two strong hands.

Strategy Tips

Because of the dealer-22 rule, some hands you would stand on in convention twenty-one require you to hit. In other words, you have to be more aggressive, because the dealer isn’t going to bust as often. Anytime the dealer is showing a 7 or higher, that’s considered a strong hand and you’ll need to play accordingly. If a 3 through 6 is showing, the dealer’s hand looks weak. If the dealer is showing a 2, this isn’t as weak as you’d expect, because 22 isn’t a bust.

When you hold an 18 through 20 and your total beats the dealer’s upcard total (assuming the other card is a 10), then you should place strong bets. For instance, if you hold a 19 and the dealer is showing 8, this is considered advantageous for you.

When to Stand

Stand anytime you have a hard 17 or higher. When you have a hard 12 through 16, hit when the dealer has a 7 through ace. Hit a hard 13 or 14 versus a 2. Hit a hard 12 versus a two, three, or four. Stand any other time you have a hard hand against a 2 through 5.

Stand on a soft 19 or 20. Always stand on a soft 18 when against a 2 through 8, but hit on a soft 18 versus a nine through ace. When you have a soft 17 or below, always hit before doubling. Double down when you have a 10 or an 11 against a 2 through 6. Double down on a 9 when against a dealer-6. If you have an ace-6 or ace-7, double down against a 5 or a 6. When you hold an ace-5, double against a dealer-6 only.

What Is Blackjack Switch Game

Switching to a Stronger Winner

When switching, it’s sometimes good to switch to a stronger winning hand. For instance, let’s say you hold an 18 and a 14, but you have a chance to switch to a 19 and 13. This second combination is considered better. Nineteen is a much stronger hand than eighteen. At the same time, 13 and 14 are virtually identical hands, because in either case, you’re probably hoping for the dealer to bust out.

House Edge

Blackjack switch is a game any jaded classic twenty-one players should try. Not only do the switching rules add a whole other dimension to the game, but the house edge is lower than classic 21, if the rules are the same. You’ll find it a challenge to learn a whole other set of dealer rules. Players will come to hate the dealer twenty-two rule, because it’s going to break your heart several times a session. Players at land-based casinos and online casinos should be able to find the game. Microgaming, Playtech, and most other major online casino software companies have their own version of the game.

The game of Blackjack has been around in casinos since the early 1700s. Back then, when it first appeared in France, there was just 1 basic version – nowadays there are plenty more.

This article covers Blackjack Switch – whereas most of the rules are the same as standard Blackjack. There are some notable differences, the main ones being that you need to pay for 2 hands of an equal amount and you can ‘Switch’ the 2nd card of each hand if you wish in order to get a better chance of winning.

Due to this obvious advantage for the player, the casino is always going to adjust something in favour of the house to counteract this. In this version of Blackjack, if the Dealer gets 22, any remaining hands that don’t have Blackjack are ‘pushed’ and the bets returned. A player Blackjack pays at even money.

What Is Blackjack Switch Wiring

Blackjack Switch Rules

As mentioned above, most the rules are the same as a standard game of Blackjack, we assume you know the basics if not these can be found in a separate article.

• All rules are the same as standard Blackjack unless mentioned below
• The game uses either 6 or 8 decks of cards depending on the casino
• The Dealer ‘hits’ on soft 17 (a 17 containing an Ace and therefore being worth either 17 or 7)
• The Player needs to place 2 bets of equal size, either both, 1 or none of these bets can be winners
• Player cards will be dealt face up
• Dealer ‘peeks’ for Blackjack if they have an Ace or a 10 as their upturned card (after Players have a choice of Insurance if the upturned card is an Ace). If they have Blackjack, all hands that didn’t take Insurance will lose except Player Blackjack which will ‘push’. Insurance pays 2 to 1.
• The Player can choose to ‘Switch’ the 2nd cards of their hands around to make 2 new hands. For example, if they are dealt 10, 6 and 5, 10 the 2nd cards – in this case, 6 and 10 – can be swapped giving them 10, 10 and 5, 6 instead, a much better position to be in
• If the Player ‘Switches’ to form Blackjack, this counts as 21 as opposed to Blackjack
• The player may ‘Double’ on any 2 cards, including after ‘Switching’
• The player may ‘Double’ after a ‘Split’
• Player may ‘Resplit’ up to 4 times
• A Player Blackjack pays even money

Above is an example of the layout for a Blackjack Switch game. You will see that it looks a lot like a standard Blackjack game except that the Player has to have 2 hands with the same initial bet.

What Is Blackjack Switch Lite

Blackjack Switch Rules
Blackjack Pays:1 to 1
Number of Decks:6 or 8
Dealer Rule:Hit on soft 17
Dealer Peek:Yes
Double after Split:Yes
Hit Split Aces:Just Once
Side Game:Yes
Multiple Hands:No – must have 2 hands of equal bet

Switching Strategy

One of the hardest aspects of the Blackjack Switch is when to Switch and when to leave the hands as they are.

By following the chart below, you won’t go far wrong.

If the Dealer has a 7 or 8 upturned, try and balance the hands by making the weakest hand as strong as possible, using the table below if you can.

If the Dealer has any other upturned card, make the strongest possible hand from the table below to give yourself the best possible chance of winning at least 1 hand.

1. 21
2. 20
3. 19
4. AA
5. 11
6. 10
7. 9
8. 18 or 8
9. 88 if the Dealer has between a 2 and an 8

If you cannot make any of the above hands either by leaving the hands as they are or ‘Switching’, make the strongest possible hand out of the following:

1. 7 or 17
2. Any hand that should be Split according to the chart below
3. Any 12
4. Any 13

Hitting or Standing strategy

As the Dealer ‘Pushes’ any remaining hands if they get 22, the strategy for Blackjack Switch is considerably different to a standard version.

The table below shows the action you should take in each instance after a Switch has or hasn’t been made.

Hard Hands – No Ace

Dealers Upturned Card
Your hand2345678910A
What Is Blackjack Switch

H = Hit D = Double S = Stand

Soft Hands – With an Ace

Dealers Upturned Card
Your hand2345678910A

H = Hit D = Double S = Stand


Dealers Card
Your hand2345678910A

H = Hit D = Double S = Stand SP = Split

Blackjack Switch Tips

Due to the Switching element of Blackjack Switch, we suggest you play for free first to get the hang of when to Switch and when to keep your hands. Even if you are a Blackjack expert, this version is considerably different and adds an element of strategy not found in any other version. All good internet casinos should allow you to play for free before parting with your own funds.

Remember that if the Dealer gets 22, all Player hands except for Blackjack ‘push’. Again, this is different from any other version and therefore takes some getting used to.

What Is Blackjack Switch Mean

As with all casino games, ensure you play within your means and remember that in Blackjack Switch, you need to place 2 bets of an equal amount at the start of a game, this is before extra bets for Doubling and Splitting are taken into account. Therefore, factor this into your thinking when deciding how much to bet per hand – we would advise you to start a session with enough for around 40 games.

Blackjack References:

Blackjack Rules, Strategy & Tips
Card Counting in Blackjack
Play Real Blackjack Online

What Is Blackjack Switch

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